Lost Boys ensures complete transparency in our pricing structure. Our clients are aware of the total cost of employing our services from the outset. There will be no extra charges added to a client’s invoice as their required services are concluded.
For specific pricing, please email us at
If, for reasons of safety, discretion or confidentiality, a client does not wish to receive invoices or communications relating to their requested service, Lost Boys guarantees that their account may be handled in a covert manner.
We now operate almost exclusively on referral only.
Client's who have not been referred through our existing network may be charged a consultation fee at our consultancy rate which will then be discounted from the requested tasking or investigation.
New clients will be charged 100 % of the agreed invoice prior to commencement of their required services. Referred, existing and retained clients will be invoiced by agreement.
A significant number of our services are not available directly to private clients and can only be undertaken with instruction from a registered law firm in the relevant country.
We accept payment in GBP, EUR, USD, as well as several Cryptocurrencies. Fee arrangements will be agreed upon prior to the beginning of the client’s required services.
Our services may alternatively be paid for through the disbursement within Legal Aid.