Cyber criminality is an imminent and ever-increasing threat to all businesses and entrepreneurs, from start-ups to MNCs. Yet, very few have a solid crisis prevention action plan against such complex risk; most solutions proposed by IT companies involve a simplistic addition of a firewall-based product, leaving their clients vulnerable with only a superficial sense of protection. We provide a unique combination of bespoke solutions to help protect your business with specific needs in mind and personalised support available. Combining a range of innovative and diverse cyber security products from trusted providers expands our protection plan’s capabilities beyond any other offered cyber service, protecting your system from all angles 24/7.
The cyber team offers strong cyber protection and risk reduction, achieved through personalized advanced automation with human overview and emergency response system to build a defensive wall around your business or personal devices, including mobile phones; an offensive attack option is also available for detection and elimination of intruders. To further manage the risk of cyber threat to your business, our agency offers simulated phishing attacks, awareness training and employee trend management via a platform specifically designed for your company.
Our approach gives our clients the confidence that any cyber threat will be detected and dealt with in a rapid and effective manner, that our cyber security team will be there to guide and support them through any challenges, and that risks will be reduced and crises will be managed.
Anti-phishing training
Business readiness assessment
Company responsiveness analysis
Cryptocurrency investigations

Endpoint protection
Incident response
Managed firewall
Network security
On-site incident support
Penetration testing
Ransomware and malware protection
Simulated targeted phishing
Smishing attacks
Social engineering
Threat management guidance
Vulnerability management
Wi-Fi scanning